The Tails You Helping Wag !!!!!!

You’re beautiful gentle nature has not gone unnoticed when treating you at the vet when so scared. Trusting us when we can see the life of hell she has endured. Skin scrapes. Inoculations. Dewormers. Getting chipped. You are just so beautiful.
Juniper is not going to be ready for adoption for a little while. This beautiful girl has a road to recovery we are so proud to be a part of. She has her next appointment booked for her steri so no more puppies for her. We just need the infection on her skin and in her ears to heal a bit first. Her cropped ears are so sad because her ears were perfect 💔 our promise is she will never starve again. She will never have another litter and she will receive the vet care she  desperately needs. Our first bill today was R1600. If anyone would like to assist us with that it would be greatly appreciated. She is on anti biotics now to help her heal. Her next appointment is in 2 weeks.
If you’d like to assist please use the banking details below and use Juniper as a reference
Serendipitty Coastal Powerbreed Rescue NPC
BC 220127

How you can Help Juniper and many others like her right now !!!!

 Jade Sorensen Photography is offering an amazing voucher for our girl Juniper. Thank you Jade for your constant love and support 💛 We will be selling lucky draw tickets for Junipers care. Anything raised will go towards her vet care/kennel fees while she’s waiting for her new home. This voucher is valued at R2500. It’s a great prize.
If youd like to buy a lucky draw ticket or two please eft into the account provided and send a POP with your name to enter into the draw to 083 780 1664. Entries are R50 each 💜
Serendipitty Coastal Powerbreed Rescue NPC
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